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Santé et bien-êtrePerte de poids

5 raisons pour lesquelles les résolutions de perte de poids du Nouvel An échouent

By February 3, 2023No Comments

How are those New Year’s goals / resolutions going so far? The start of a new year sparks motivation for change and in January we often reflect on the previous year and set goals for the future. Many people are including a healthier diet, more exercise, or weight loss as part of their overall set of resolutions; however, did you know that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February? Here are few reasons why New Year’s resolutions to lose weight often end in failure.

Lack of planning

Consider weight loss as a long-term project. You need to set your goals, timeline and make sure you are committed! You will not succeed without a proper plan. 

No tracking and motivation

What is your starting point? What does your final destination look like? Sometimes it’s hard to see the results through the process when you’re not tracking them. Jumpstart your fitness journey in the New Year using the Body and Wellness Routine Tracker available from MyBest Clinic! Using this printed tracker can help you plan out your daily exercise, meals, your weight, and water intake you work towards a happier and healthier you – from the inside out. Download the Body and Wellness Routine Tracker here.

Skipped meals

Lack of organization leads to skipped meals and/or binge eating in the evenings.  This may lead to increased blood sugar levels which can inhibit weight loss. Plan your meals and healthy snacks to avoid cravings at night.


Staying hydrated is vital for keeping our bodies healthy. A hydrated body will be more efficient in burning fat. For some people, staying hydrated isn’t as easy as grabbing a bottle of water when they’re thirsty. At MyBest Clinic, we have an effective solution to get your fluids—Hydromax IV therapy. 

Delivering hydration and nutrients via IV means you get 100% absorption of these essential elements. When drinking water, sports drinks, energy drinks or taking oral vitamins, they all pass through your digestive tract and you only absorb about 50% of their benefits. To learn more about IV therapies, click here.

Lack of micronutrients

Vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and electrolytes are essential elements required by our bodies throughout life to maintain physiological functions and physical health.  Need support understanding what this looks like?  We can help!

If you need help losing weight and keeping it off, give us a call so we can help you achieve your weight loss goals with our BODY90 program. Get started with a program that you can actually stick to this year. Whether your goals are health-related, aesthetically rooted, or both, our BODY90 program offers all the tools required to succeed. 

Losing weight is a difficult process for many people. We recognize it can also be even more challenging to keep the weight off. Discover how to achieve your weight loss goals and keep the pounds off for good! Book a complementary consultation with one of our Registered Nurses where you will:

  • Discover the top challenges and obstacles keeping you from losing weight
  • Identify the important steps required to support your weight loss goals
  • Create a realistic plan for a successful weight loss journey
Commencez votre voyage dès aujourd'hui !

About BODY90 Weight Loss Program

BODY90 est un programme de perte de poids médicalement supervisé. En accord avec les valeurs fondamentales de MyBest Clinic, nous avons développé un programme qui vous permettra d'atteindre vos objectifs de perte de poids de manière saine, durable et scientifiquement prouvée. La recherche clinique a constamment démontré qu'un pourcentage élevé de graisse corporelle est lié à des maladies dégénératives telles que les maladies cardiaques, l'hypercholestérolémie et le diabète. Notre mission, qui consiste à veiller à ce que nos clients s'épanouissent et jouissent d'une qualité de vie élevée, a ouvert la voie à un programme de transformation corporelle qui réduit la masse grasse globale et s'attaque aux principaux marqueurs métaboliques.

Que vos objectifs soient liés à la santé, à l'esthétique ou aux deux, notre programme BODY90 vous offre tous les outils nécessaires pour réussir. Grâce à notre recette du succès et à nos infirmières hautement qualifiées, nous avons tout prévu.

En savoir plus sur BODY90

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