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La pandémie a-t-elle eu un impact sur votre libido ? Vous n'êtes pas seul

By December 10, 2021No Comments
Covid 19 pandemic decrease sexx drive and libido
If the pandemic has killed your sex drive, you’re not alone! Low libido/sex drive occurs from time to time, and it is perfectly normal to not be in the mood for sex, even with a passionate partner. But when occasional dips in libido begin to flatline and you totally lose interest in sex, it may be time to look at your lifestyle and overall health, and make some positive changes.

What causes it?

The reasons for that are numerous: stress, chronic fatigue, and increased weight can affect the male erection. However, they can also lead to low energy and low self-image that can cause significant loss of libido.

Here are a few tips to combat low libido and get your fire back:

Dedicate time to wind down & de-stress

Managing your stress levels will not only help your libido, but also help you improve almost all aspects of your life. Ensuring you take a break once in a while, and taking time for yourself to rest or meditate will improve quality of life significantly.

Get plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep can have serious consequences on your body and can even interfere with your sex life. For most adults, at least seven hours of sleep is needed to effectively recharge your body.

Eat nutritious diet

A long term unhealthy diet of foods and too much alcohol will have a negative impact on your overall health. Eating a diet full of vegetables, fruits, lean protein and limiting your alcohol intake can help you maintain your health and by extension, your sex drive.

Boost your self-confidence

The way you feel about your body affects the way you feel about sex. An unhealthy diet and lack of exercise may cause you to have a poor self-image. These things can discourage you from having and enjoying sex. In many cases, this can be corrected through diet, exercise and a medically supervised weight-loss program, BODY90.

Book your first BODY90 consultation today to join a medically supervised weight loss program with the professional MyBest Clinic team.

Still not sure you will succeed?

Check out the results from one of our latest BODY90 graduates.

Whether your goals are health-related, aesthetically rooted, or both, our BODY90 program offers all the tools required to succeed. Through our recipe for success and with the support of our highly competent nurses, we have all the bases covered.

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